MEND Programs recognized by the AAP and CDC as IHBLTs in compliance with updated AAP guidelines

Healthy Weight Partnership,Inc. (MEND and Healthy Together Programs)

Fantastic news to see MEND Programs recognized by the American Academy of Pediatrics and the CDC as foundational approaches for the management of obesity in childhood.

MEND Programs are listed as 2 of the 6 American Academy of Pediatrics recognized Intensive Health Behavior and Lifestyle Treatment Programs (via Healthy Weight Partnership and “Healthy Weight in Your Child” a YMCA of the USA licensed version of MEND).

MEND is also included on the CDCs website page, dedicated to Family Healthy Weight Programs:

According the the recent American Academy of Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Treatment of Children and Adolescents with Obesity, Intensive Health Behavior and Lifestyle Treatment (IHBLT) is “the foundational approach to achieve body mass reduction or the attenuation of excessive weight gain in children”.

The guidelines recommend that children treated with weight loss medications and bariatric surgery should receive a mandatory IHBLT.

“IHBLT is foundational to comprehensive obesity treatment and should continue longitudinally. It should be provided in conjunction with pharmacotherapy and metabolic and bariatric surgery if these treatments are indicated.”

The guidelines also state that there is a desperate need for scalable IHBLTs: “There are known limitations for families to access and participate in IHBLT. These limitations include the relative scarcity and distribution of such treatment programs”

#obesity #childhood #weightmanagement